Classical Charlotte Mason Homeschool Curriculum Picks for Kindergarten and 2nd Grade
Reader Requested Republished Post
Classical Charlotte Mason Homeschool
Classical and Charlotte Mason educational homeschooling methods are very complimentary. Our homeschool is a lovely hybrid blend of both. By sharing our curriculum, our desire is to give you ideas and resources that will make your homeschool more vibrant.
**This post has been republished at reader’s request. As you can see from our more recent curriculum picks, our homeschool has changed a lot over the years. It’s okay if yours does, too, or if yours doesn’t!**
There is no need to ever try and mimic someone else's curriculum exactly. Your children, I guarantee, are different from mine and have different needs and different interests. Being able to cater to those needs and interests is part of what makes homeschool so great!
If planning your homeschool is overwhelming, we offer homeschool mentoring services to help you on your way.
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Things to know about our homeschool:
Our goal is to give our children the tools to think critically and express themselves well, appreciate the beauty of the world around them, and to foster a spirit of lifelong learning.
We have a 4 day homeschool schedule based on our curriculum, with the 5th day each week consisting of: field trips, interest led learning, big projects that require a lot of time and mess, or life skill days.
We do Morning Time every day.
We alternate between Nature Study and a Science Curriculum on different days.
We always include outdoor time when we can as part of our day.
We believe in the power of the moral imagination and training it through good literature.
These are the guides we use to choose our curriculum and the literature we use for reading aloud and strewing around our home.
Our Homeschool Morning Basket
You can see this post about our homeschool morning basket which is a part of both the Kindergarten and 2nd Grade curriculum. Having morning time has really helped us to center our homeschool day and begin each morning with intention. We have morning time every day. It takes about an hour and allows us to work through a large portion of our daily curriculum.
Kindergarten Homeschool Curriculum
TLDR: You can watch an overview! The links for everything are listed below.
We decided to begin using Memoria Press as our curriculum base last spring. It has been awesome to have a large portion of our studies planned out for me.
While I love planning our curriculum myself, it is a busy season for us and this change helped me feel less overwhelmed and more prepared. Everything still gets laid out in my Charlotte Mason Mother’s Homeschool Designer. Everything is still very rich in beautiful literature, poetry, and art. And we are all feeling more successful with this adjustment. You do what makes your family thrive!
Our Classical Charlotte Mason Kindergarten Homeschool Curriculum
Memoria Press Kindergarten Manual
Memoria Press 1st Grade Manual and Storytime and More Storytime Treasures
Books required for Kindergarten and Read Alouds
My Nature Journal and nature books for exploration and discovery
Living Math - Life of Fred, Sir Cumference, Lollipop Logic
A plethora of Audible books including Thornton Burgess, The Chronicles of Narnia, Anne of Green Gables, and 5 Children and It
Apologia Astronomy and Junior Notebooking Journal (You can see our Astronomy activities here.)
Reading Eggs
Disturb Us, Lord cursive copywork
Plus our morning time, piano for Mr. F with Hoffman Academy, handicrafts, life skills, and just our day to day learning.
Our current favorites from the Kindergarten selections:
Follow the Dream: The Story of Christopher Columbus
2nd Grade Homeschool Curriculum
TLDR: You can watch an overview! The links for everything are listed below.
Our Classical Charlotte Mason Second Grade Homeschool Curriculum
Memoria Press 1st Grade manual (we are finishing it since we only started it last spring)
Memoria Press 2nd Grade manual (and accompanying books are waiting on the shelf)
Books required for Storytime Treasures and More Storytime Treasures
Read Aloud selections
Spelling Workout B
A Contented Heart devotional study from Not Consumed
My Nature Journal and nature books for exploration and discovery
My Book of Centuries and lots of audiobooks of historical fiction, documentaries, and living history books.
The Mystery of History
Living Math - Life of Fred, Sir Cumference, Lollipop Logic
A plethora of Audible books including Mr. Popper's Penguins, BFG, Chronicles of Narnia, and Treasure Island
Reading Eggs
Disturb Us, Lord cursive copywork
Plus our morning time, guitar lessons, handicrafts, life skills, and just our day to day learning.
Our Current Favorites from the 1st Grade selections:
The Glorious Flight: Across the Channel with Louis Bleriot July 25, 1909
Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel
The Ink Garden of Brother Theophane
Whew! That seems like a lot, but the bulk of it is great literature and notebooks to record what we learn in. What is your family learning with this year?