We all need that an encourager who is willing to pour into our homeschool success! Having a homeschool mentor through homeschool consulting services is a gift to give yourself and your homeschool.
The first time you get that little tiny thought, "we should homeschool", it enters your mind and you literally cannot shake it for days.
I was engaged to my darling husband when I began a side job as a homeschool mother's helper. I had never even considered homeschooling as a possibility.
I watched those 3 beautiful children learn naturally, gently. I saw how they flourished. How their innocent sparkle and wonder at the world around them did not dull like so many school-aged children I had met before.
I watched their mother care for them through their learning. A concept that had been foreign to me began to hold incredible possibility. And it scared me to pieces!
This precious mama took me under her wing. She guided me through the what if's, helped me learn about a gentle approach to learning, and she answered so many questions. When it became time to begin homeschooling my own children, it was her voice and reminders that helped me through the sometimes difficult days as we figured out our homeschool rhythm.
Having a homeschool mentor is a rare and wonderful gift. Someone to talk with, to help you navigate the wide world of at-home learning, someone who knows what it is like to work from home and still homeschool diligently. We all need that person who is willing to pour into our homeschool success!
I'm here to share the wisdom, knowledge, and practical how-to's that I have learned in more than a decade of homeschool experience. Your gentle, grace-filled, excellent homeschool is ready to begin. All you need is a little help to start you in the right direction!
Who Benefits from Homeschool Consulting?
Homeschool consulting is just what you need if:
You are just starting your homeschool journey and love the idea of gentle homeschooling but don't know where to begin.
You are overwhelmed with all the moving parts of a Charlotte Mason education and would like someone to simplify it for you.
You need help establishing a routine to make your hectic homeschool days into delight-filled learning adventures.
You have child that learns differently from you and need help connecting your teaching methods to their learning style so you both can enjoy the beauty of the learning process.
Your gifted or twice exceptional student is learning asynchronously and you need help pulling together appropriate resources for individual subjects to keep them challenged/accommodated and you ahead.
You are overwhelmed by “the feast”. I will guide you through setting up the subjects that naturally lend themselves to being done together and help you craft a schedule to bring the joy back into your days.
You have lost your drive due and consistency. There is a beautiful, grace-filled and consistent homeschool experience waiting for you and we will work together to make it happen!
Homeschool Help
Helping homeschooling families find the right curriculum, methods, and resources to make your homeschool thrive is a privilege. To thoroughly consult on these important parts of your homeschool takes quite a bit of time. Because of the time required to offer the best help I can, I do charge a fee to ensure that you are well prepared and my family is also well cared for.
Thank you so much for allowing me to be part of your homeschool journey!
All individual consultations will include a follow up email of the notes made during your consult.
Payments will be made through PayPal before your consult.
Each consultation will be between 30-45 minutes in length.
Homeschool Individual Mentoring Consult Rates:
As your homeschool mentor, I will assist you with many facets of homeschooling according to your needs. These may include:
Creating a home education program that you can follow consistently
Choosing or modifying homeschooling programs appropriate for your child's learning style
Curriculum recommendations for special needs, gifted, and twice exceptional children: Homeschooling with Apraxia of speech, SPD, dyslexia, dyspraxia, and giftedness
Finding the homeschool method that is right for your family: I specialize in Charlotte Mason, Classical, and Eclectic
Resources and encouragement for the mom who needs help filling her own cup
Incorporating the Charlotte Mason beauty subjects into your homeschool without overwhelm
Assisting with Living Book recommendations for subjects/grades to help you create your own “spine”
Series of 3 phone/Zoom consults with emailed notes - $145
**Please note: Homeschool consultations do not include counseling as I am not a mental health professional. I cannot diagnose learning disorders, but I can help you find solutions for the challenges you have had diagnosed. I am not in the legal field and will direct you to HSLDA for all legal inquiries and state specific requirements.**
Setup Your Individual Homeschool Mentor Consultation
Please fill out the linked for to setup your consultations. I'm so delighted to share in your journey of cultivating a thriving homeschool!
Individual Homeschool Mentoring Consultation Application
Small Group Homeschool Support
Join the FREE Everyday Graces Homeschool Community on Mighty Networks for a wonderful online homeschool support community. This is separate from our Homeschool Mentorship and offers you an off-Facebook alternative for asking questions, getting recommendations, and more!