A Case for Art Study
The Benefits of Art Study
Art study tends to get shoved to the bottom of the list when we’re in the thick of our homeschooling year. I know, I’m guilty of doing the same in the past.
Reading, math, history… these things just seem so much more important than art lessons. When it’s been a long day (or week, or year) of schooling, the only appreciating of art we seem to do is being grateful that it isn’t a requirement.
But I’m here now to make a case for art study. When you know a little more about why studying art is so beneficial, it just might land higher on the to-do list. And what’s more, you and your kids just might find it to be the best few minutes of your school week!
6 Reasons Art Study Matters
Art study cultivates an appreciation for beauty
How often do we forget to “stop and smell the roses”? I know that if I’m not appreciating the little beauties scattered throughout God’s creation, my kids are appreciating beauty even less than I am. Taking the time to admire pieces of art on a regular basis will begin to cultivate that appreciation. Your children will learn to recognize true beauty and begin to notice it all around them.
Defends against overstimulation
In our scrolling, instant gratification, fast-paced world, our poor minds are constantly being inundated with chaos. It can be numbing and that’s a scary thing!
When your child knows the difference between true art and commercialized art, he’ll be able to sift through what’s worth looking at and what’s not, and will know how to slow down to appreciate it. The flashing lights all around him will turn into background noise compared to what he’s learned to appreciate as genuinely beautiful.
This fantastic video from PragerU has some interesting points on the difference between the art of today and the art worth exploring.
Art study improves the power of observation
We don’t live in a slow and quiet society anymore. Everything seems to be hectic. And in the rush we are missing so much. Being truly observant takes practice and skill. Art study is a wonderful way to hone that skill. Not only will your child become more observant of artistic beauty, she’ll become more observant of others and their beauty as human beings as well as the wonders of nature that God has graciously given to us.
Art study induces empathy
Studying the life of an artist alongside of admiring his or her art gives your kids perspective. They’ll get to hold someone else’s paintbrush for a little while, stepping outside of themselves to gain empathy for another person. It will open their eyes to just how meaningful that piece of art is, knowing the background of the artist. It gives them a healthy respect for a different point of view and a look into history through the people who lived it.
Art study inspires creativity
It’s only natural. Creativity begets creativity. It’s hard to meander through an art gallery and not feel your creative juices start revving up. Expose your children to art study and art lessons, and you might be inspiring the next famous artist.
We were created by a creative God! He delights in us using the talents given to us. Let your children study, ponder, and create as an act of praise and thanksgiving.
Art study impacts other learning areas
Studies show that students who study art are four times more likely to be recognized for their academic achievement! Art can boost critical thinking and complex analysis. These vital skills translate into other academic areas in huge ways. There are even studies that show that student and teacher have a better relationship with each other when art is involved.
I’m sure you’re convinced now that art study is worth the effort. The extra good news is that it doesn’t have to be an overwhelming addition to your schooling.
It’s super simple to add art study with just a few minutes a week getting to know the artist and observing the artwork. It’s fun! Before you know it, your whole family will be enjoying the benefits of art study while having a wonderful time doing it together.