5 Days of The Green Ember - Author Interview with S.D. Smith
We are story formed creatures. The impact a true, good, and beautiful story can have on a life is, quite simply, remarkable.
As our first post of 5 Days of The Green Ember series, we are delighted to be sharing a conversation with author S.D. Smith with you. To say speaking with him on one of my most favorite topics was amazing might be an understatement. He shares a beautiful message directly for your children at the end. We hope you enjoy this podcast and are so very blessed!
Listen here: A Conversation with S.D. Smith
About Author S.D. Smith
S. D. Smith is the author of The Green Ember Series, a middle-grade adventure saga. The Green Ember spent time as the number one bestselling audiobook in the world on Audible. Smith’s stories are captivating readers across the globe who are hungry for “new stories with an old soul.” Enthusiastic families can’t get enough of these tales.
Vintage adventure. Moral imagination. Classic virtue. Finally, stories we all love. Just one more chapter, please!
When he’s not writing adventurous tales of #RabbitsWithSwords in his writing shed, dubbed The Forge, Smith loves to speak to audiences about storytelling, creation, and seeing yourself as a character in The Story.
S. D. Smith lives in West Virginia with his wife and four kids.